About AVA

Air Vantage Access is at the forefront of UAV technology to bring unsurpassed detail to drone inspection and data acquisition. Located in Perth, Western Australia, we offer highly accurate, efficient, and cost-effective visual scanning and inspection with world-leading 3D scanning capabilities and CASA-accredited drone technicians. Our solutions are not only exact but they’re delivered with reduced safety risks and afford greater accessibility to your valued assets.

Perth’s very best UAV tech

Why choose AVA?

Reality capture technology rapidly evolves with new products coming to market continuously. AVA is abreast of the advances that improve efficiency and offers clients greater value for money.

Could you be benefiting from our unique understanding of aerial survey and technical solutions? We have a strong background in traditional access methods, making us leaders in capturing the data required to inspect, plan, maintain, repair and visualise your asset.

Choose AVA as your reality capture and digital twin service provider.

What we do


  • Visual scans – 3D scans, digital twins, 2D topography scans and contour mapping.
  • Volume calculations and stockpile analysis.
  • Heat mapping and thermographic survey.


  • Quick, precise and detailed data sets formatted to specification to allow for remote desktop analysis.
  • Full inspection reporting and recommended action plans.


  • From reports and recommended action plans, we also offer post-inspection technical access solutions, project management and supervision.
  • AVA’s CASA-accredited drone pilots are certified to use our specialist UAVs and we employ rope access technicians to implement solutions.
  • We are partnered with global leaders in AI and modelling solutions. Contact us to arrange a meeting to learn more.


Our capabilities and services can support a vast array of applications across key Western Australian industries. 3D scanning, photogrammetry and visual inspections in optimal resolution and detail are particularly useful for:

  • infrastructure and telecommunications
  • construction planning and tracking
  • stockpile and volume assessment
  • architecture and property management
  • local government asset management
  • environmental survey and assessment
  • agribusiness survey and assessment.

hardware solutions

Air Vantage Access Pty Ltd | Fremantle, Western Australia | Director: Tim Evans